What is Java

What is java?

Java is a general purpose object-oriented programming language that is used to develop general purpose applications’ originally it was developed for digital mobile devices such as mobile phones etc. But when Java 1.0 was released then it was used in websites development and developers use java for developing the web pages with animations, so java comes into websites in 1996 and developers make Java programming language as general purpose language. As java is an object-oriented programming language it means programmers can take classes in their code, objects in their code, inheritance and different functions can be performed.
Java is originally owned by Oracle, it was developed the early 90s and its first version was 1.0 and the latest version is launched in 2018 Java SE 10.

Fundamentals of java

The foundation of the Java programming language is taken from C++ we can say it has improved ideas of C++ to build a programming language that will be powerful and simple to use.

Security of java

The java is a programming language that is specially used for mobile devices so its security level is very high because the data have to exchange over networks, Java is a high-security level language to date.
In Java, we can control the functions by taking code in 3 different classes Public Class, Private class and Protected Class

How to start Java

Nothing is special for taking the start in Java as a beginner just you have to install java development kit and go to Java first program on Google write your programs in java development kit and experience the code of java with implementing the programs on your PC. If you have any problem related to your program then you have to put your problem to Google and you may find some solution and if you can’t find then you can search it on YouTube there are a lot of solutions and explains by different people. Join Social media groups like Facebook groups Google plus groups LinkedIn groups and other social media groups to take help from relevant people by posting your problem or error in your program join java development other website groups to take help.

Is there Java Free Software to download?

Java is free to for download all its software or developing tools you just have to visit the official website of java to download these tools from java.com  or Oracle official website   

Why I should update java all the times?

 You should update your java tools or development kit so that all the new required and necessary updating installed on your system so that the developing application have new and advanced security and updates that will make your applications up-to-date according to requirements of the present world.  

Scope of java

The scope of java is very high because it is used in android development. Java is directly used in android or using with some frameworks so it is a very important language according to mobile phones and so many other aspects regarding facilitating the humans in the programming field. 

Why learn HTML?

Why learn HTML?

Why learn HTML
why learn HTML 
Here I will provide you detailed information about why learn HTML?

Understanding of websites

Learn HTML for the understanding of the websites how they work for us? We just click and we go to the next page or previous page? How to make effective website pages in HTML? There are different HTML versions and HTML5 is recent released and having great functionality to understand the web.

Developing websites

Html is used to develop websites for almost all type of uses like commercial or educational etc.HTML is basics for the website developers without HTML no one can develop websites.
Every programmer should have basic knowledge of HTML to develop websites. Without HTML no one can start developing websites because it’s the basics of website structure and layout all web pages are developed in html so all developers should learn html.

Start websites career

Learn HTML for start your website career, when you start making your website pages your own then you can show them to other people and try to show to people who can take help from you in respect to developing websites, develop websites free and be famous in people as website developer, make at least one website online and show people your website that is online then you will be able to start your career as website developer.

Learning Websites Development languages with Great Ease

Using HTML we can develop different websites using C java python etc. All functionality can used in developing websites and programmer can make useful websites using html and with programming languages.

Using Programming languages in web with efficient ways

HTML is great approach to develop web pages and we can use different programming languages to develop useful and commercial websites like PHP MySql, python, java, JavaScript, C, Ruby etc. HTML can take your journey from beginners to developer. Html will take as basic in these all and will use to develop website pages. Almost all layout of the website is designed with html. All stuff what we see when open the website page is designed with html.

Earn Money

You can develop front end website development with using HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript, even you can earn money from freelance or join a software house as front end website developer or find online jobs in website development.

 Blogging career  

After having a little experience in HTML you can go for blogging and you will change your blogger theme according to your needs and this will help you a lot to help you in blogging career. You will change the things and will make your posts easily no need to know more about blogging it will help you to start blogging career.

SEO Career

HTML is useful to start seo a lot of things can do with the knowledge of HTML in seo. HTML is used with different seo tools. In SEO different HTML tags and functionality will be used in SEO.

Web Applications

HTML is used in web Applications so it is useful to develop web Applications, HTML is used almost all websites and web Applications.