How to Access Facebook Anywhere | Unblocked Access in Office and Where it's blocked

How to Access Facebook Anywhere | Unblocked Access in Office and Where it's blocked

You type Facebook at google and put enter.  

everything was good at that point 
after you click on the link Facebook website there is not opening the Facebook site.😟
 Then you decided to go to some proxy website to open the Facebook   ??

Oh My Gosh even proxy sites are not openingπŸ˜– .... Shit..........😌

But Don't Worry about that ..... I am Here for you 😎  Just follow the tricks 
First of all you have to get the tor browser . 

if you don't have then download it from google.
just go to google and then type download tor browser free and open the first website from the search.
When you open the site there will be shown like that and you just have to go for the windows if you have a windows operating system. And go for the Apple OS Linux or other operating system which you have. 

Select first setup for download because it have safety mood the other is for expert people that know more about the Dark Web etc. so just take first .

Save file to your computer .
select location in your Computer to save the Setup file it will just take a few seconds but depending to your internet connection . Just wait for the few seconds or minutes to download. 
when it is download to your computer double click and software will show you option that select your language default is English language. Click OK and go.
Then after that it will ask you for where to install the location in your Computer. Default is C partition where is windows installed. You can change if you want But i suggest it's OK to go.
Click on the next and Install it to your PC.

After installation Search Tor Browser to your Computer.

Press enter to open the Tor Browser.

Your Tor Browser is ready to use .
Just type Facebook and open the first link of Facebook official site link.
Here is Facebook for you Enjoy 

If you have any Query then you can comment and ask me question. 
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How to Search Websites by Titles on Google | Headings Titles Searching Tricks

How To Search Websites by Titles on Google 

if you want to search the websites by their titles on google them then you can also do there is a trick that will do for you. 
first of all you have to go to google and search in the search bar write the    intitle:what you want to search title 
For example you want to search Cricket title on the websites then i will write like that intitle:Cricket and then hit the enter button or click on the search then result will shows all sites having Titles with cricket. 
Below picture shows the result.

If you have any question then you can comment. If you like then also comment. 

Nearby Place Location finding

Nearby Place Location Finding 

How to find a place location near to you ? 
for example you want to go to McDonald,s
near to you search   McDonald,s  nearby   at google  and hit enter then google will tell you the location where it's shop exists. Just look at the below picture that shows how you have to search for the nearby place. In my case in am in Faisalabad so it shows the nearest point.

if you have any query then comment me i am here 

Search By Date on Google

How to Search By Date on Google

when we search we don't know which data is coming first and before, but if we want to search the posts by years or some special date we will hardly do something but maybe we can't be successful in our try. But here is a super star trick that will change your thinking we can search on google by date. don't know ? πŸ˜”
i am here for you to show you everything 😎

First of all you have to show anytime just click on the tool then it will show on your browser if it is visible to you any time then don't do that .

Click and see the from the drop down a lot of options if you want some from the list you can chose.

If you want some custom time that you want to apply then go to last option custom range click on it 

When you click on Custom range then you will see the date what you want to inter from means what is starting date and to means ending date and click on the Go. 

After this when you search what ever it will show you the all by date first it will receive the posts from date starting then till To date all posts and any activity it will show you. You can see the Picture below the red circles show you the date.

If you like then like with social media  πŸ˜Š

How to Search within a website | Best technique to search data

How To Search Within a Website 

Here i will show you how to search a specific topic or post or find something onto a website. 

  • Go to google search engine 
  • Write the topic or tag what you want to search
  • write the in right hand side site:sitename
for example i want to search the IT Services in the website of GCWUF then i will write like that 

 IT Services   in google search bar then i will hit the enter button or click on search 
after hit on search or clicking i will see the best result will be produced for me only the department IT Services will be open in the search.

It is very use full trick for the search within the websites we can easily search everything what we want.  

If you like then share with your friends .  πŸ˜Š

How to Google Search

How to Google Search 

  • Use " " for specific searching of string 

mostly we use a sentence for searching and search engine online search the first two or three words and we did't find the result which we want.if we put  " searching words " and then search then we will find the best related results on google. for example i search  "how to prepare for exams "  then see the results in the given picture 

Google Search 
Google Search 

  • Relevant website Search 

This is how we can search the website related that have some how similarity.   just write keyword related: and after that write the website you want related sites 
for example  and hit enter button or search you will see related websites that have same functionality like google for example see in the picture etc actually they have same functionality like google because they are search engines.

Google Search 

Remove content from search

if we want to remove some content from our search for example we want to search pdf books and we not want to buy the books so we will put the book name and then we will put the - minus sign and write the buy   -buy and the search will not accept the words with buy keyword . just look at that picture 
Google Search 

Google Search 

Definition and exact source of word

The word define: is used to check the definition and exact source of word for example where this word is derived for example Latin word or English word or Greek word etc. for example if we check the word science we will  write as   define:Science    
and the result will be so nice as we can see in the picture below.

Google Search 

Google Search 

File Format Selection While Searching 

when we are searching on google we type our search and hit enter then a lot of format displayed on the google. If we want only PDF but there are showing doc file type or Ppt file etc.But good news is this here is the best solution for you that would work for you to find the given format for you. you just have to write down what you want to search and then put the  filetype:  whichever you required 
check it in the two examples of below pictures.

Google Search 

Google Search 

Selection Range of prices 

Most of times have you problem with not searching the best stuff in your range without searching a lot but know its not a problem for you  just type the item name and then put the price with .. two full stop.   for example if i search for a PHP Book then i will put the name or randomly search like that Php programming book $2..$5  then it will show you all the Php books in this range. You can see this trick in the below pictures.

Google Search 
Google Search 

How to search all sizes of images 

just open google chrome browser and search what you want and then click on the image 

Google Search 

When you clicked on image there will be options open you just go to the  Search Google for image option and open it.

Google Search 

When you click on Search Google for image then you will see like this that will give you options all sizes and large click on the all sizes 

Google Search 
When you click on all sizes you will see the different sizes of the images will display at front of you so download the image what you want 

Google Search 

How to Update my Drivers

How to Update my Drivers 

  • Go to Google  
Just open your browser and open the google on your browser. Type driver pack solution on the google and hit enter you will show a lot of website on google just go to the first 

Update My Drivers
Update My Drivers
Open the first one from the list just click and open the first 
Update My Drivers
Update My Drivers

when you open the website you will see website like that
Update My Drivers
Update My Drivers
just click on the green button install all required drivers and it will install or download the software it depends on your browser.
Update My Drivers
Update My Drivers

in my case it will download and then install all the required software at my system. after downloading this will looks like that 
Update My Drivers
Just double click on the Driver pack solution to install then you will see this dialog box

Update My Drivers
After some times this will looks like this will starts the installation 
Update My Drivers
After taking some time this will show you what are the list of your required software to install on your system and what is your system model it will automatically show you like this.
Update My Drivers
And you have to click on the green button showing in the picture 
Update My Drivers
After clicking you will see this don't do anything know just see what happens to your system 
Update My Drivers
This will takes some minutes to complete so be patience 
Update My Drivers

Give permissions to clicking on the allow access to fire wall it is required by some of the drivers and software to complete the process 
Update My Drivers

Update My Drivers

After some times depending on your system speed it will complete the configuration and a message will show to you Yay! Your computer has been configured! so one of the list of the installed  drivers and software will shows you in the right side of the messages and on the green button there will be continue option if you click on the green button then you will have more options to install more 5 software they are just on your option if you want you can accept rather than you can deny it.
Update My Drivers
This is an optional choice you can left them if you want . Because your all drivers already installed on your PC