AI | AI (Artificial Intelligence)

                   AI | Artificial intelligence 


·       Definition.
·       Early history.
·       Current status of AI.
·       Challenges of AI.
·       Future of AI.
·       Challenges
·       Application of AI.
·       Advantages & Disadvantages of AI.
·       Conclusion.

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence is the area of computer science that study and creation of machines that work or react like humans
Moreover it’s the theory and development of computer systems that work like humans that includes visions, speech recognition, decision making, and translating among different languages.
Best example of AI in smart phone is
·       Google voice speech
·       Google map
Siri and Cortana are all intelligent digital personal assistants on various platforms (iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile)
Now we will discuss about history of Artificial Intelligence


In 1950 English mathematician Alan Turing wrote a landmark paper titled  “Computing Machinery and Intelligence” that asked the question: “Can machines think” Further work came out of a 1956 workshop at Dartmouth sponsored by John McCarthy. In the proposal for that workshop, he coined the phrase a “study of Artificial Intelligence”

         Current Status of AI:

AI work out on different thing in past few years
  •        Mobile phones
  •        Video Games character
  •        GPS or Voice Recognition
  •   Robotics (humanoid/Computer based)

Artificial agent is divided into two parts:

Software Agent

It’s a set of programs that are designed to do particular task. They do work with limitation.

·    Physical Agent

It’s a programmable system that can be used to perform variety of tasks. Simple robots can be used in manufacturing to do routine jobs such as assembling, welding, or painting. Some organizations use mobile robots that do routine delivery jobs such as distributing mails or correspondence to different rooms.

The best part of AI is machine learning; it can be defined by its name “machine learning”
A programmable system can do specific task and moreover that system can learn more by its environment that is known as machine learning.
Its best example is Google’s Car.
Google’s car is self-driving car that drives the car automatically on roads even in traffic. It will apply breaks automatically on red signal. Its speed automatically will increase or decrease. All there functionality depends on AI. Machine learning is the part of AI.
You can see in video how man sits in car and it drive automatically. I wish to sit in this car, these are amazing moments.

Future of AI

Future of AI is like enhancement in self-driving and improvement in Medical Care & Treatment like heart surgeries and other sensitive operations and open up doors to future explorations etc.

Most dangerous thing is robots are coming and our jobs are going out because of efficiency of robots.

In future humanity is ending totally so then people will get humanoid robots as their friend. In organization due to AI many of employees will be fired of job. And AI robots will take a hold in organizations. Before many of scientist concluded that robots cannot think but scientist find out the solution of this by neurons that’s why AI robot can think and do many task like common sense that is also not common in common.


  •        Computing Power 
  •      Tolerance
  •        Power 
  •        Intuitive
  •     Thinking
  •   Judging Power


  •       Game playing
  •       Automated reasoning & Theorem proving
  •       Expert System
  •       Neural language & semantic modeling
  •       Planning & modeling
  •     Machine learning



       Precision and Accuracy
       Not able to act any different
      Space exploration
       Lack the human touch
       Used for mining process
       Lack a creative mind
      Can do laborious tasks
       Lack common sense
       Fraud detection, manage records.
      Lacking the emotional side
       Abilities of humans may diminish
      Can do repetitive and time-consuming tasks
       Wrong hands causes destruction


Finally we can say that the Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of Computer Science that aims to create it.AI textbooks define the field as “The Study and Design of Intelligent Agents” where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize the chances of its success. John McCarthy, who coined the term in 1955, defines it as “The Science and Engineering of making intelligent Machines” 

What is Object Oriented Programming ? | OOPs

What is Object Oriented Programming ? | OOPs

Object Oriented Programming

Object oriented programmingis a technique in which programmers define not only data type of data structure but also types of operations that can be applied to the data structure.

The basic concepts of Object oriented programming

  •       Abstraction
  •       Class
  •       Encapsulation
  •       Information hiding
  •       Inheritance
  •       Interface
  •       Messaging
  •       Object
  •      Polymorphism
  •      Procedure

We will discuss all these basic concepts mention above about Object Oriented Programming


 Abstraction is the process of picking out or abstracting common features of objects and procedures.


Class contains objects. There are different objects in class. In other words class in an instance of an object. Each object belongs to its class.


 Encapsulation is the wrapping or combing data which include variables and methods on which techniques or code acting or applying.

            Information Hiding: 

  Informationhiding is the best feature of Object Oriented Programming. In which necessary information is hidden from user. The real life example of information hiding is:
Everyone knows ATM machine is for withdraw money but no one knows what’s going on back end.


    In inheritance the characteristics of class A transfers to class B. same as the parents and child relation. In which characteristics of parent transfer to the child but child characteristics cannot be transfer to the parent. In OOP its works similar.

   Interface in Object Oriented Programming: 

 First look at interface generally. Interface is the point between two things or a program that enables the user to communicate the computer.Similarly in Object Oriented Programming. interface is some syntax or structure that allows the computer to apply some certain strategies on object.

Example:there are different classes Class truck, Class bike, Class Car but something is needed to start up that is engine (interface).


Message passing is a form of communication used in parallel programming and Object Oriented Programming..


An object is a component of program that knows how to perform certain actions and how to interact with other perspective of our program. Object is the basic component of Object Oriented Programming..In Object Oriented Programming object could be anything on which programmer work.


1.    A person
2.    A car


In simple words we can define polymorphism as the ability of message or some text to be displayed in more than one form. Or best example is  a person which have more than one characteristics means he is a father, he is brother, he is son.
In Object Oriented Programming, there are two types of polymorphism

 Compile time Polymorphism:

     In compile time polymorphism, where more than one method share same name with different parameter in Object Oriented Programming.

 Runtime Polymorphism:

In Runtime polymorphism, where have same methods with same parameters in Object Oriented Programming.


A procedure can be defined as a part or section of program that perform a specific task in Object Oriented Programming.

In Object Oriented Programming language there depth in techniques, there different syntax techniques use to write programs, syntax is the rules or regulation of writing programs in Object Oriented Programming language.

               Object oriented languages are 

  •       C++, 
  •        java
  •        Python,
  •        PHP, Ruby,
  •        Perl,
  •        Object Pascal,
  •        Swift,
  •        Common Lisp
  •        Smalltalk.

Four Major Benefits of Object Oriented Programming:

  1.         Modularity for easier troubleshooting.
  2.         Reuse of code through inheritance.
  3.         Flexibility through polymorphism.
  4.         Effective problem solving.

The most important applications of Object Oriented Programming are:

Client-Server System.
Object Oriented Database.
l-Time System Design.
Simulation and Modeling System.

 Hypertext and Hypermedia.
 Neural Networking and Parallel Programming.
 Office Automation System.
 Artificial Intelligence Expert System.
 CIM/CAD/CAM System.

The applications are mentions above the major applications of
Object Oriented Programming. Anybody can learn the Object Oriented Programming but some of few knows the where these skills have to apply. Programmers that have skills of Object Oriented Programming languages must demand much more salary for his work because it’s not easy to work or understand the machine. Today in the world human cannot bear other human’s behavior so how could it possible a programmer can work or understand the machine easily so he must demand much higher salary in his field.
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IT | Information Technology

  IT   |  Information Technology


IT | Information Technology

What does it mean by IT? As its name INFORMATION that mean some processed data that converted into informationand technology that means techniques operated by computer. By reading both words combining we can conclude that information technology is the collection of data that is converted into information and then storing, sending or accessing that information overall this method can be assumed as information technology
Information technology is increasing day by day, if we compare role of IT in 2018 to role of IT in 2010. Only few persons or organization knows about it. But today students are studying IT in colleges and universities.
Now the question is arising.

Why we study IT?

In school, colleges, and universities management have to handle students data, faculty data in short every employee data handling. 
In every organization data is very important for them. Many companies have such important and for handling such data for companies or organization hire the IT professionals. IT professionals could be those students who study IT in colleges and universities.
Many mobile phone companies hire such IT professionals for mobile networking.
In IT field, technologies includes routing, networking, internetworking, data processing and much more.
IT has endless benefits and moreover IT professionals have higher salaries in every organization.

Largest IT companies :

  • ·       Apple Inc.
  • ·       Samsung
  • ·       Foxconn
  • ·       Alphabet Inc.
  • ·       Microsoft
  • ·       Hitachi
  • ·       IBM
  • ·       Huawei
  • ·       Dell
  • ·       Sony

These are the some international standards level IT companies.


Moreover, IT related to computer hardware, software, electronics, internet, telecom equipment, e-commerce and computer services.
 IT plays important role in every field today. Many organizations, companies even in restaurants there is IT department. You can guess the scope of IT professionals that have great skills and commands on IT. They have amazing salary package and running there life happily.
Many of students changed their mind to do IT and want to be IT professionals.
Because of its scope is very high. In schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, telephone companies, building development companies, Road construction companies have IT department in their organization and need a lot of IT professionals. IT is now becoming the heart if all organization.


Most developed part of IT is artificial intelligence, in this section we will discuss about computer that works automatically like robotics.
Robotics could be humanoid robots that work and look like human
Or could be like computer machinery. There are thousands of human robots and best computer machinery robot is GOOGLE CAR.
Google car automatically move left or right by sensing hurdles and traffic or automatically stop or do any action by detecting signs of road e.g. stop sign or red signal or parking sign. Did you hear or read about this before? This is reality not a movie part there are thousands of google car in the world.
Humanoid robots look like human and work like humans, In UAE
Most restaurants have waiter that serve the guest with delicious foods and those waiters are robots. They programmed to do only specific task and most important thing some scientists made robot like animals that are amazing programmed to do many tasks. In IT many of new technologies have been developed. There are many of robots developed for heart surgery and many more sensitive operations.
IT professionals needed to connect the two building to share their data or information. IT professionals in many departments are in high demands.
The field of IT professionals has endless technology


For students, IT is becoming for helpful, they can do their task in study, and they can make their presentation by collection data from internet and use it for their useful topics. They can make their thesis or project ideas by these students could be IT professionals. By studying ICT that is subject in bachelor level and have a lot of information. Hundreds of techniques are discussed their. Wired and wireless technologies are discuss their.

Top 5 Computer Languages

Top 5 Computer Languages

Computer Languages
Top 5 computer languages 


It is a Computer language that was developed in 1993 for students to write programs in BASIC. Actually basic use numbers in each instruction for example the line of the programs will be normally 10,20,30,40 etc. Every Body can program in basic without the knowledge of Mathematics and Science. But the main focus is that how much you work hard and practice in Basic.   


Common Business oriented language this was developed in 1960. The latest ANSI standard has Object Oriented Programming to COBOL in 1985. The main aim of COBOL is to provide easy access to the non-programmers for example computer users and organizational related peoples. COBOL is a one of the computer language that is high standard and rich language.


FORTRAN Formula Translation computer programming language was Develop by famous computer company IBM in 1950s. It was used for all scientific purposes. Object Oriented Programming language that can run very fast on even super computers. FORTRAN new version is FORTRAN 90 available now days.


Denis Ritchie was Developed C language in Bell Lab between the time 1969 and 1973. C Computer language is what that you really know about how a computer really works.  After learning C language you will be able to write best programs even in any language. C language should be first computer language for all programmers now a days. After doing work on C language they will be able to work with all languages just little difference.


PHP is a computer programming language that is used for develop websites. It is very high level language even Facebook is made with PHP language.  PHP uses MySQL database to control back-end all working.  If you want to do works with websites or web applications then you have to learn PHP language.  PHP have different Frameworks.  One of the most famous and easiest framework is Word Press. 

Programming Languages

Programming Languages 

Programming Languages
Programming Languages

Programming Languages:

A set of words, symbols and codes used to write programs is called programming language. There are different type of programming languages are there for different type of tasking to be done in different programs.

There are two types of computer programming languages.

  • Low level Programming Languages.
  • High level Programming Languages.

  1. Low Level Programming Languages.

These programming languages are near to computer hardware and far away from the human languages. So the computer can easily understand these type of programming languages. When we are going to write in a low level programming languages when we should have a deep knowledge of the internal structure of the computer hardware. Low level programming languages are machine language and assembly language.

  • Machine  Programming Language.

This Programming language have only two digits to write programs. 0 and 1 this is called binary system. Machine programming language is the only language that is directly accepted by computers and its fundamental language of computer systems. Machine programming language belongs to first generation language. Its very difficult for humans and easy for machines. 

  • Assembly Programming Language.

This programming language is also low level just one step forward to machine programming language.  This assembly programming language uses the symbols instead of binary code.
These symbols are called mnemonics. Assembly programming language is called symbolic language. However assembly programming language is easy for humans than machine programming language.

       2. High Level Programming Languages.

High level programming languages are easy to understand for humans because these programming languages have human languages like words for example input output etc these are driven form English language. Programs are written in high level programming languages can easily to write and modify then low level programming languages. These programming can divided into these categories.

  1. Procedural Programming Languages
  2. Object Oriented Programming Languages.
  3. Non-Procedural Programming Languages.

  • Procedural Programming Languages

  2. BASIC
  3. COBOL
  5. C

  • Procedural Programming Languages

  1. C++
  2. JAVA

  • Non-Procedural Programming Languages.

  1. SQL
  2. RPG

What is Programming ?

 What is programming ?

What is Programming
what is programming

Programming : 

A Set of instructions that tells a computer what to do is called program and a computer works according to the given instructions in the program the instructions are given to computer in computer language. This all process is called programming.

Programming is the only way to make computers use able for humans. With Programming Programmers give us solutions of all problems in fastest way what computers provide to us.